Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Vinegar Benefits of Apples For Health

Vinegar Benefits of Apples For Health

Apple cider vinegar is made from material processed apples in the way of making fairly easy. The benefits of apple cider vinegar is pretty much for the health of the body.

As for how to make, namely, first set up some apples, then wash them clean and free of pesticides. Afterwards, apples cut into medium-size and unpeeled fruit skin. Next, save pieces of apple into a glass container by cover with cotton, it aims to prevent a reaction to apple vinegar that is being created. Then store in a sheltered room and let stand for one week, then balsamic vinegar was ready for consumption.

7 Benefits of Apple Vinegar
a way of making your own apple vinegar. So what are the benefits if we consume? Here are some benefits of apple cider vinegar to your body, such as:

  • Helps you lose weight Apple Vinegar Benefits

For those of you who are on a diet, you can consume apple cider vinegar to help you lose weight. This is because, consume apple cider vinegar can control appetite well, so it will not be easy hungry stomach.

  • Can treat diarrhea

Consuming apple vinegar also found to treat diarrhea, way is to mix apple cider vinegar and given additional water. Afterwards, drink apple cider vinegar regularly 2 times a day until the diarrhea heal. Apple cider vinegar is very safe if consumed in the long run, this is because this material is a natural antibiotic that is safe and efficacious.

  • Accelerate wound healing

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a cure wounds were very nutritious, but can accelerate the wound healing period can also reduce itching sores. To do that, wash the wound with warm water, then apply cider vinegar on the injured body part using cotton. Allow to dry and do this treatment two times a day.

  • Maintaining healthy hair

The trick is: Prepare a tablespoon of cider vinegar and a cup of cold water, then apply evenly on the scalp while gently massaged. After that, let stand for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Digestive system
The trick is to brew 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of pure honey with a cup of warm water. After that, routinely and regularly drink 30 minutes before meals.

  • Helps reduce high blood pressure

The content of potassium in apple cider vinegar is high enough, so it is believed to help in lowering high blood pressure (hypertension).

  • The trick is similar to the way digestive system.

For facial skin care
The trick is to mix apple cider vinegar with water and apply on the skin. This method can make the skin look clean, soft and shiny.


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