Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Berry and Lemon Able to Increase Stamina Men

When the women concerned with weight and beauty, men actually worry about the various diseases that affect men.

Men care about the condition of his stamina, and happy build muscle, increase strength of his body to keep him productive. Some men also like to do a certain diet to maintain health.

Here, tips for you men who want to avoid the disease commonly experienced by men as they age. The consumption of berries and fruits that contain citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and apples are good to help you. The following benefits, as quoted.

1. Flavonoids turns help you avoid erectile dysfunction. Some studies say that a man who likes to eat berries and fruits that contain citrus may improve erectile function.

2. Consumption of berries and citrus fruits are routinely able to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and maintain blood pressure.

3. The flavonoids can enhance blood circulation and help maintain heart health. So as to draw blood to the brain and to your sex organs.

4.Berdasarkan studies, berries and citrus can prevent urinary tract infections.

5. Berries and citrus also able to maintain weight. Besides citrus fruits rich in vitamin C also plays an important peraan in maintaining the immune system.

6. Consumption of berries and citrus fruits can also suppress the urge to consume alcohol and cigarettes.

7. Alzheimer's disease can also be avoided early by regularly eat berries and citrus fruits. Berries are also able to maintain brain function.


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