Friday, June 24, 2016

The Factors - Factors Affecting Healthy Lifestyle

Factors - Factors Affecting Healthy Lifestyle1. Style Behavior
Style behavior (behavioral patterns) are always different situations and different social environments, and constantly changing, nothing is settled fixed. Individual lifestyles, characterized by individual behavior style, will have an impact on the health of individuals and subsequently the health of others. In healthcare, a person's lifestyle can be changed by empowering the individual to change his lifestyle, but the change is not on individuals, but and changing social environment and living conditions that affect the style of his behavior.

2. Lifestyle Changes
Go together economic growth, social style technology already widely perceived negative symptoms present, such as physical inactivity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, less vegetables, less rest and other.

a. Smoking habit
In accordance with the National Social and Economic Survey (SUSENAS), 2004, smoke began in adolescents aged 10 years, and at age 15 to 19 years of occupation in the figure of 60% as smokers, 91% of smokers have a smoking habit at home. At this time there are at least 43 million mothers and children who are exposed to passive smoke as smoker which can be a risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) others.

b. Less Motion Physical
Sedentary behavior of physical activity are national for the population aged 15 years and above only 9% are those who exercise for health. According to the WHO 43% of existing disease, no relation.

c. Style Spot Unbalanced
Style eating unbalanced experienced by our society and the worst of their data is less fiber, less vegetables and fruits reached 99%. Overweight or obesity problems already experienced by children who target 11%.

d. Steps - Steps to Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle
Remain in a healthy state is the dream of all, that in carrying out daily activities - day to work to support themselves, their families, communities and nations.
Health is influenced by many factors, there are congenital factors, acquired factors and environmental factors. There can be addressed or circumvented but nothing should be taken for granted, if the people who live in the city must be prepared for polluted air, working the night had to sacrifice sleep at night and so on.

Healthy living and really was only four sentences, namely: proper eating, exercise regularly, stop smoking, and alcohol, as well as mental and physical calm and balanced. With four according to a study, high blood pressure disease missing 55%, stroke and coronary heart disease miss 75%, diabetes was reduced by 50%, the tumor was reduced by 35%, and the average age can be extended over 10 years of average age expectancy human.

1. Sun
Sunlight provides many advantages, including:
a) 15-30 minutes in the sun each day either in the morning or late afternoon helps the body to vitamin mensitesa. sample vitamin D are useful for generating Ca and F which functions in building and repairing bones.
b) The sunlight can kill bacteria
c) The sunlight helps a person to adapt to the world of the night or depression on the winter season

2. Rest
The body should be able to rest to repair itself. We must make time recreation and rest to relieve the tension in the work. Without adequate rest often people the jitters every time talk, depression and irritability, the adequate rest it needs.

3. Body Motion
Bodybuilding or sports important to our health, because:
a) Movement of the body helps to normalize blood pressure.
b) body movement allowing more blood to reach all tissues of the body to retain warmth.
c) Movement of the agency deliver electrical energy to the brain and nerve cells, it provides health by stimulating the immune system.
d) Movement of keeping your body in order to look fresh and fit.

4. Water
Because water is needed every cell in our body. We had to drink a lot of it because of the water.It::
a) In the measurement of weight, body contains approximately 70% water.
b) The body requires approximately a half or two liters of water every day to run each function, some of the functions including blood circulation, disposal, distribution of nutrition and digestion.
c) The water content in the cell is approximately 70-85% so that we are short of water, these cells can not help us mentally prepared.
In addition to drinking water, bath water warm or cold premises were also affects healthy living. Because it can improve circulation and increase energy for the body and mind can also be nerve racking impaired.

5. Nutrition true
The time of creation, God instructed Adam and Eve to eat foods such as nuts, seeds, fruits, it is because the meat of animals that contain fat, saturated DAPT cholesterol increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, etc. other.
According to research, people who frequently consume vegetables or vegetarians are healthier and live longer. For that try to re eating vegetables, fruits, legumes, etc.
To be able to live a healthier longer then the food menu options as follows:
a) Increase the number of not polyunsaturated fats in the diet.
b) Choose foods that are high in fiber.
c) Eating vegetables and fruits are fibrous.

6. Avoid things that are damaging
Alcohol can affect the body system as follows:
a) The immune system. Alcohol decreases the ability of white blood cells to fight the disease, then it increases the risk of pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis and some cancers.
b) the endocrine system which drank two or three glasses of alcohol can cause miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.
c) The digestive system. Alcohol can hurt the stomach so that the stomach bleed. The habit of using alcohol increases the risk of fatty liver, hepatitis and liver siratis
d) The circulatory system. The use of alcohol may increase the risk of heart attack, lowers blood sugar levels and improve blood fat and blood pressure thereby increasing blood pressure.

7. Avoid Stress
Stress has been attacked unnoticed by the experience. Stress affects and increases the stress hormone in the body that blood pressure to rise. In general, stress people will be encouraged to do things that are harmful and damaging, such as: smoking, drinking and mingle freely.
Another consequence of the stress that is increasing production colesterol bad (LDL) is manufactured though impact increased heart blood vessels are narrowing and blockages. Therefore, avoid stress and multiply refreshing.

In addition to 8 healthy living secret principles above, we also need to know the 11 principles of a balanced life. Because a balanced life leads us to live healthier longer, 11 principles are:
a) Do not have time for all that pertains to oneself.
b) Set aside the money at all times dating to salon for vacationing
c) Learning to face all the vicissitudes of life.
d) Positive thinking in dealing with various problems.
e) Keep the reality of the existing conditions.
f) Trying to come to terms with the condition that is not preferred.
g) Set the time as effectively as possible.
h) Recognizing that all not bias thing we have achieved.
i) Try accept existing conditions, as difficult as any problem is certainly no solution.
j) When not like something positive thinking that in this world nothing is perfect.

8. Maintain Style Spot (Diet)
Eating is a natural way so that this body the energy it needs for the activity. In short, what we eat, would be devastating to the bodies. Misguided about the meaning of "Diet", which often identifies with eating less, is the wrong thing. Diet is setting the style of eating, which is always needed in our daily lives.

9. Sport Daily
Sport means treating our bodies in order to obtain the right to health. As the beginning of this article, as we all know, the Prophet Muhammad argued that Muslims mastered horse riding, swimming and archery. Saving words, there are three things physical activity or service.

10. Enough Rest
Adequate rest is needed for the body to return to normal conditions after use for activities. Best of rest is sleep. Sleep 4-6 hours a day is more than enough. Sleeping too long, it will tend to be detrimental to health. As above, when sleep is the body needs nutrients. When you sleep too long, the body will experience a catabolic. As a result, increasingly feel lazy, not powered, and a waste of time.


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