Friday, June 24, 2016

How To Influenza Virus Prevention

How Influenza Virus Prevention-Influenza virus infection can provide immunity to infection from a virus similar. But because this virus can mutate easily lead a person may experience flu repeatedly. One precaution is to use vaccines containing influenza A and B viruses and mentioned can reduce the occurrence of infections caused by the H5N1 virus or bird flu and flu prevention at the age of 5-50 years.

Vaksin group that requires, among others: age> 65 years, had other chronic diseases (lung, heart, blood and kidneys, diabetes), the body's own defense system disorders, and health workers. It is advisable to administer the vaccine before the winter or rainy season. In addition, the behavioral change society with a healthy lifestyle can reduce the occurrence of this influenza disease.
There are some habits that are suggested to be done as early prevention.

a. Washing hands
Most of the flu virus can be spread by direct contact. Someone who is sneezing and close it by hand and then she was holding the phone, computer keyboard, or a drinking glass, then the virus will be easily transmitted to another person who touches these objects.
The virus can survive for hours to weeks even. Therefore, try to wash your hands as often as possible.

b. Do not cover sneezes with your hands
When we close sneezing with his hands, then the flu virus to be easily attached to the hands and can spread to other people.
If we feel like a sneeze or cough, use a tissue and then throw it away immediately.

c. Do not touch your face
The flu virus enters the body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Touching their faces is the most commonly performed by children who had the flu and ended up being an easy way to transmit the virus to others in the vicinity.

d. Drink lots of water
The water used to clean the toxins from the body and giving fluids in the body. Healthy adults generally need eight glasses of water per day.
How to mark that our bodies are getting enough fluid? If the color of urine is relatively clear sign that the body is getting enough fluids, otherwise if it is dark yellow means our body needs more fluid again.

e. sauna bath
Although not yet proven that the sauna can affect the prevention of flu, but a recent study showed that people who shower sauna twice per week will have a smaller likelihood of flu.
It is consistent with the theory that when we breathe in hot steam over a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius will cause a flu virus would be difficult to survive.

f. A breath of fresh air
A breath of fresh air is very important for health, especially in cold weather because the weather is like this will make the body becomes susceptible to the flu virus.
g. Perform regular aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise can speed up the heart to pump more blood so that we breathe faster to help transfer oxygen into the lungs and into the blood. This exercise will also help boost the body's natural immunity.

h. Consumption of foods containing phytochemicals
Phytochemicals are natural chemicals found in plants that act provides vitamins in food.

i. consumption of yogurt
Some studies show that consumption of low-fat yogurt every day can reduce the risk of flu by about 25 percent.
Beneficial bacteria contained in yogurt is known to stimulate the production of immune system to attack the virus

j. Relaxation
If we can teach yourself to relax or relaxed, then we naturally also can activate the immune system.
Allegedly when we do sports, then interleukin (part of the immune system that responds to the flu virus) will increase in our bloodstream.


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