Saturday, August 13, 2016

Beware Danger Asi If Baby Sleeping Together Parents

If you smoke and are taking sedatives.
Many opinions are pros and cons associated with a single bed with a toddler bed. Some say it does not matter, while others would never want to do it. But where exactly is the right one?

Excerpted from the pages of The Sun, according to the UK Department of Health, the safest place for children up to the age of six is ​​in a cot in the same room with parents.

Some people choose to sleep with their children, because they feel their babies fall asleep more easily and therefore they feel calmer while breastfeeding.

According to the National Health Service (NHS) England, you should not sleep with toddlers, if you, or your husband is a smoker. Even if you never do it on the bed. Also, avoid sleeping with your baby, if you, or your partner take medication that makes sleeping very soundly.

Although you do not plan on sleeping with your baby, but it is still important to understand this, because you will easily fall asleep unintentionally while being together baby.

According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), sudden infant death syndrome is the case, when parents fall asleep with the baby. Although NICE do not go into it, but fell asleep on the couch, or the like will be more dangerous than falling out of bed.

If parents are smokers, it will be more dangerous, because the baby is exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Most importantly, the risk of sleeping with infants will be higher, if your baby is born prematurely, or had a low weight. Babies can not regulate their body temperature like adults and heat will increase the risk of sudden infant death.

Sleep holding your toddler will keep its body temperature rises, especially if their heads are closed. This also happens if you sleep holding your baby in a chair or sofa.

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