Saturday, May 28, 2016

How To Prevent Diabetes On Pregnant Women

Name Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that Occurs for the first time in women who are pregnant. This type of diabetes is the caused by a change in the way a woman's body responds to the hormone insulin during pregnancy. Results of changes in blood sugar levels, Also known as blood glucose.

if your disease Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy, you should be extra Vigilant, Because The baby in your bladder can also be exposed to the risk of blood sugar disease.

Cause that shows that you have the disease symptoms of Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy young or old, nausea, and fatigue.

How To Prevent Diabetes On Pregnant Women

The way to avoid the disease is best prevented rather than having to treat.
Tips to Prevent Disease Gestational Diabetes.

1. Need your Reduce Sugar Intake
Basic blood sugar levels can occur due to excessive blood sugar levels. Automatically if we eat too much sugar or eating food that is too sweet, sugar levels in the blood rise and can not be controlled any longer, especially if you have diabetes during pregnancy, it will be important to reduce the consumption of sugar or other sweet food, so that blood sugar levels can be controlled well.

2. Need your live Include Protein Diet
people with diabetes, they experience very high blood sugar spikes. To Overcome such surges can Increase the consumption of foods containing protein. Because proteins can bind to glucose or sugar better, consume foods that Contain lots of protein 15-30%. You can eat nuts are high in protein and other foods high in protein that can Prevent and treat this disease.

3. Need your Noting Carbohydrate Intake
Carbohydrates in Patients with gestational diabetes can not be digested well by the pancreas into energy. Therefore, if you are experiencing gestational diabetes, it will be important when reducing the consumption of high-carbohydrate foods such as rice one. You can replace the staple foods with whole grain ingredients. In addition to reducing the risk of gestational diabetes, wheat also can soften and nourish our digestion.

4. Need Your Consumption of Fiber Foods
Fibrous foods are highly recommended consumed in large quantities for women who experience gestational diabetes. Because foods that Contain lots of fiber, can neutralize blood sugar levels better. You can eat fiber-rich foods such as papaya, oranges and many others.

This is 4 easy tips on how to Become Prevent or gestational diabetes during pregnancy. So that blood sugar levels can go down in their daily lives


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