Monday, May 30, 2016

How To Prevent Cavities

How to prevent cavities

The Public awareness and treatment of dental health including prevention and treatment.
But most people still ignore dental health condition whole. Dental care is considered not too important, but the benefits are vital in supporting the health and appearance.

Dental cavities (caries)
Dental cavities are not caused by the caterpillar, as assumed in the time first. This theory survived until the 1700s until Willoughby Miller an American dentist who works at the University of Berlin found the cause tooth decay.

He found that tooth decay is caused by a meeting between bacteria and sugar. The bacteria convert sugar from food residue into acid causing the teeth to become acidic environment (natural environment should gear is base) and the acid is what ultimately makes a small hole in the tooth enamel. When the holes are on enamel, we have not felt a toothache. However, the hole small on subsequent email can be slit food debris and bacteria will make bigger holes that pierce the dentin. At this time we will feel a shooting pain in teeth while eating. If allowed, the hole until the hole nerves so we will start to feel a toothache. 

How To Prevent Cavities

This process will not stop until eventually the teeth become depleted and the only remaining tooth root. Toothache can not be underestimated as some people, because if ignored, can make teeth into swollen and inflamed. other than that cavities can be a means of entry of germs channel towards the channel the blood that can cause kidney, lung, heart or disease more. 

In order not getting worse, so if you have cavities you should immediately visit a dentist to treat it. although many people do not like going to the dentist with a reason not care about the state of the teeth, worry is expensive, fear or shame ridiculed for damaged teeth, but went to dentist is the best solution to cope with a toothache. Dental cavities can not be
heal by itself. Although, perhaps after suffering from toothache, taste the pain can be lost but it does not improve the situation of teeth. Tooth will remain hollow, even the hole will keep getting bigger.

How To prevent cavities, you can perform the steps following:
  • Checking your teeth regularly
  • Brushing your teeth regularly and in a timely manner
  • Brushing teeth the right way.
  • Mouthwash after meals
  • Use dental floss to remove food debris
  • Choose a toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Eating fibrous foods
  • Reduce foods that contain sugar and flour


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