Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Benefits of Vitamins for Pregnant Women

Benefits of Vitamins for Pregnant Women

Various vitamins for pregnant women and their benefits. In the early days of pregnancy is an important moment in which pregnant women should be serious in maintaining the health of the body with the vitamins for pregnant women, way is by eating healthy foods that have complete nutrients such as fruits, green vegetables and other foods that contain nutrients good. It is intended that the health of mother and fetus can be protected from the dangers of various diseases that can attack the body, so that your baby can be born safely and healthy. Then vitamin what is needed by pregnant women?

Various Vitamins for Pregnant Women
Here are some types of vitamins for pregnant women, such as:

1. Vitamin A.
Vitamins for pregnant women
Consuming healthy foods that are rich in vitamin A it can be useful to enhance the immune system, improve eye health and can also increase the stamina of the body that are not easily tired. a source of vitamin A can be obtained by eating fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples, green and yellow vegetables, oily fish, eggs and milk.

2. Vitamin B1
The content of vitamin B1 is very useful for treating indigestion and overcome morning sickness. In addition, eating foods that contain vitamin B1 is highly recommended for pregnant women in the final trimester to help increase milk production.

3. Vitamin B2
Type vitamin B2 is very useful for pregnant women, especially in the early days of pregnancy. This is because the vitamin can serve to help the development of the embryo at the beginning of the first week, so as to avoid the danger of a miscarriage. Sources of vitamin B2 can be obtained by eating cheese, milk, broccoli, mushrooms, eggs and green vegetables.

4. Vitamin B3
Consuming foods such as whole grains, legumes, liver, green vegetables and milk can be useful to help the brain development of the fetus in the womb. In addition, vitamin B3 can also reduce the nausea often experienced by pregnant women.

5. Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 is able to meet the needs of red blood cells in the body, red blood cells are needed by pregnant women about 5mg per day. While the source of this vitamin can be found in foods such as eggs, cheese, liver and peanuts.

6. Vitamin B6
Benefits of vitamin B6 can help in destroying the fat in the body and turn it into a source of energy that is needed by the body. good source of vitamin B6 can be found in the womb soybeans, wheat, milk and fish.

7. Vitamin B12
Enough your vitamin B12 intake by consuming foods such as seaweed, eggs, milk and beef. The content of vitamin B12 can be useful to help optimize fetal development in forming red blood cells.

8. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is needed by the body, especially for pregnant women, this is because vitamin C is very useful to increase the absorption of iron and can serve as a very high antioxidant that can prevent the invasion of harmful free radicals.

9. Vitamin D
This vitamin is very useful to prevent pregnant women exposed to hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes. The nutritional content of vitamin D can be obtained from the morning sunlight or foods such as cod liver, soy beans, mushrooms and milk.

10. Vitamin E
The content of vitamin E is essential for healthy skin hamul mothers after giving birth, the skin will undergo stretching. The content of vitamin E can be obtained from avocados, nuts and olive oil.

Well, that's some vitamins for pregnant women. May the above information can be useful.
Always consult your pregnancy to your midwife or obstetrician and ask for advice about vitamins that are needed for you, because every person is different depending on the condition of your body.


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