Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Importance of Health Care for Early Childhood

Importance of Health Care for Early Childhood

Early childhood is a period where the child will explore and dig up all his ability, especially with physical activities involving fine motor. It was explained that characteristics of the child is active, do not want silence, explorers strong, has a great curiosity, and so forth. "Healthy children will usually be able to learn well. he had a lot of communicating with their friends, siblings, parents and others in their environment. children who hang out a lot, it will be a lot of knowledge and experience. the child will not be satisfied with anything less understood and wanted to get a sample. "

When a child is in a period of rapid growth and development of this, as parents and teachers should always pay attention to the health and nutrition of children so that children can grow and develop in accordance with his age. Healthy children will experience reasonable growth and development according to age in accordance with the physical standards which are owned by the child's age, also has capabilities in accordance with the standards of his age. In this case health care is indispensable for optimizing the growth and development of children. Health care is certainly geared towards the development of children.

The intensity in the maintenance in the health care of children is higher than adults, of course this is because early childhood is not self-sufficient and still need help from others. In early childhood, it must be socialized and trained to become independent in maintaining personal health with daily activities easily done by children, such as cutting nails, brushing teeth, trained for its own bath. But in this case the supervision of parents and teachers are still needed to justify and also avoid possible mistakes made by the children.

In general, health care in early childhood aims to prevent diseases that can interfere with learning and intelligence. Besides how health care can be done by keeping the child and the environment, keeping the types of food consumed, timely immunization, habituation good self-care, lifestyle habituation set a good boy and so forth.

In this case health care in early childhood can be initiated from a healthy feeding and hygiene. Educating children from an early age to instill healthy habits will provide benefits for physical health, of course, this should be supported by those around him, especially his family that exemplifies also guide children to live healthily. The food given to the child must be in accordance with the nutritional needs of young children. In feeding the child, try these foods look appealing for children interested in eating it. It can also be useful when the child does not like a food, we can manipulate the food with dishes, shapes and colors are attractive to children so as children want to eat it. Of course the food provided must be good and healthy as well as not to endanger the children themselves in the short term and long term.

No doubt when early childhood health care is bad, then the various diseases can be obtained early childhood. Every disease has the characteristics, causes and consequences of each. Symptoms of diseases that often arise in early childhood should be known by parents and teachers to be able to monitor the development of children is also providing appropriate services for children. Teachers in the classroom needs to explain to the child about various things in health care, the health care environment, eyes, ears, skin, teeth, and body. Living with a healthy culture needs to be instilled from an early age, since children have started to catch up with his senses about the importance of preserving and maintaining health.

One form of maintenance and health care in early childhood, one of which can be done with immunization. Immunization is done by giving the vaccine to someone for the body to make its own antibodies against germs. Immunizations can protect young children against various viruses so expect a child who is very susceptible to the disease will be more powerful and maintained their health. Vaccines are typically used in immunization, with name below:

  • BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) To prevent tuberculosis
  • Oral polio vaccine To prevent polio
  • DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) To prevent diseases Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus
  • Hepatitis B To prevent hepatitis B
  • Measles To prevent measles

So it can be concluded that health care is needed for early childhood, in addition to the prevention of various diseases, as well to the conditioning of children to always live a healthy life. Maintenance and health services in these children should be tailored to the child's development. Parents and teachers can instill healthy living in children by giving habituation-conditioning starts from small children do her daily life, the provision of nutritious food intake in accordance with the needs of children, as well as immunization and routine health checks for young children.


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