Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How To Countermeasures Protein Deficiency

How To Countermeasures Protein Deficiency

Treatment of Protein Energy Deficiency is intended to supplement the lack of nutrients, but in the process will take time and should be gradually and therefore should be hospitalized in a hospital. Broadly speaking, the handling of PEM  below :

  •  At an early stage should be given intravenous fluids, then with parental gradually, and at the final stage with a diet high in calories and high in protein. 
  • complications accompanying diseases such as infections, anemia, dehydration and vitamin deficiency given simultaneously. 
  • Handling of the mental development of children with developmental children therapy) treatment to the family, through manual nutritional therapy to the mother because it is very important at the time to be out of the hospital will affect the successful handling of PEM at home.

Prevention of PEM is basically how a balanced diet can be sustained availability in the community. Satisfactory steps to do for prevention is to maintain the nutritional status of children who are already well fixed either by activating the nutritional surveillance activities in leading health institutions (health centers, health center), reduces the risk of getting a disease, correcting food consumption if something is missing, counseling provision of complementary feeding, improve / reduce the effects of infectious diseases that have occurred so as not to degrade the nutritional status., rehabilitate children suffering from PEM in the early phase / BGM, increasing community participation in family planning programs, improve the economic status of the community through the empowerment of all sectors of the economy society (agriculture, trade, and others).
protein is the largest energy producer. With the presence of protein in the body, then the body will feel still fresh. But be aware intake of protein for the body should be balanced, should not be starved and cannot anyway excess. Because of the excess or deficiency of protein intake can cause illness, such as kwashiorkor, marasmus, and obesity.


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