Saturday, June 4, 2016

How To Tips Health Care

How To Tips Health Care

The Healthy personal can be said to be healthy when outside and in one's personal body had been cleared of any diseases that can affect the health of the person.
How to private health care can be divided into two parts, detail:

  • Maintaining Physical Health

By way of a private health care in particular by maintaining the health of to do with the requirements as follows:

How To Tips Health Care

Eating, drinking 4 healthy 5 perfect Eat, drink 4 can be obtained from:
1. Staple foods include: rice, corn, bread, wheat and other
2. The side dishes include meat and high protein, tofu, etc.
3. Vegetables and
4. Fruits Plus 5 perfect
5. Milk

But in terms of eating, drinking 4 healthy 5 perfect is often the addition of a perfect 5 is milk, are often not met because of the understanding that milk is the need fancy. But now there is an intelligent solution to replace them with soy milk that does not lose its nutritional value with milks in general

  • Exercising

Sufficient exercise will facilitate the flow in the body, because the exercise can be done anywhere and at any time by frequently moving alone we can already say exercise because of the basic principles of sports is to process the moving body, in other words.


But in general, exercise is done with like game:

1. Football
4. Pool
2. Basketball
5. Bolling
3. Volleyball
6. Competition run, etc.

Between the two terms of personal health in mind, it is necessary Belencing (balance) between the two conditions. Because if the body is to qualify first is eating, drinking 4 healthy 5 perfect but does not run the second condition, then there will be interference in the private and vice versa.


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