Saturday, June 4, 2016

Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

The Primary prevention is intended to prevent the occurrence of new Coronary Heart Disease (New onset coroner heart disease). Efficient approach of primary prevention is to reduce coronary heart disease risk factors. The increase in LDL generally occurs as a result of the adoption of lifestyles which is not true, especially a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol, such a diet when consumed with other risk factors, there was a figure that increased coronary heart disease.

Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Various institutions engaged in the health of the heart and blood vessels supporting two complementary approaches
the primary prevention, with detail below:

  • The population strategy, aims to promote lifestyle

True for individuals and communities to suppress the occurrence of cardiovascular disease in a way to disseminate information about any heart health problems, such as stopping smoking, increasing physical activity, diet reduce fatty foods, and others.

  • Strategy kilns, needed to identify individuals

have a risk where risk factor modification is already very urgently needed. It can be expanded to identify families affected individuals who have a high risk as well. The approach can be categorized into long term and short term.

The Secondary prevention to prevent the re occurrence of coronary heart disease events. Secondary prevention (Secondary Prevention) is the actions taken to reduce the factor - a risk factor for those who are obviously suffering from coronary heart disease, there is a plaque in the arteries, or have had a heart attack / stroke. When the horse would handle the problem seriously, the plaque deposits are likely to be reduced, quitting smoking, exercising regularly and following a diet or a diet that is correct.