Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tips on How to get Pregnant Mother and Fetuses healthy

How to get Pregnant Mother and Fetus healthy

The Having a baby is healthy and active is the dream of all Mother. When pregnant, you need to make an extra effort to keep them healthy. Because in many cases, the prospective mother's illness affects the condition of the fetus.

How to get Pregnant Mother and Fetuses healthy

Here I present Tips for Maternal and Fetal remains healthy:
  • Do not delay controls on doctors once you know that you are pregnant.
  • Change your eating habits, when was fond of eating is not healthy, it should eat healthy. Avoid junk food, avoid carbonated and alcoholic beverages as well.
  • Exercise to keep the body fit and not easily attacked by diseases. Good body metabolism, will be easier to confront problems such as sick morning and others.
  • Always follow the advice of doctor discipline so your content is always healthy and away from problems.
  • Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits so that the nutritional needs can be met. Avoid canned foods are nutritionally not as many fresh foods.
  • Diligent carrying books and browsing pregnancy information from a reliable source. Do not just listen to what people are saying.
  • Stop smoking yes, mother. Cigarette dangerous for the development and health of the fetus. If you continue smoking, might be the baby's health will suffer.
  • Avoid taking any chemical drugs and traditional medicines without consulting your doctor.
  • Have extra prescription or multivitamins on a doctor if your condition is weak and easily fall ill.
  • Invite a couple to start living healthy, eating healthy foods, and also quit smoking.
  • Find the best obstetrician, not the cheapest or just close to home.
  • There is a positive side to share the experience with friends who have been pregnant, but do not swallow all that information.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals that pose a risk of danger such as floor cleaners, tile cleaners, or other flavorful ingredients loud.
  • Note the condition of oral and dental health throughout the pregnancy, due to bacteria or viruses can be transmitted through this problem.
  • Tell your medical history at the gynecologist so that he can understand and handle you well.
  • Learn about the history of allergy, especially against certain drugs and make sure your obstetrician know this.
  • Avoid interacting with animals, especially who have not received the vaccine and ask other people who clean the animal cages during your pregnancy.
  • If your age is already more than 35 years when she was pregnant, so keep good care of your womb and give more attention.
  • Ask for opinions and support from the people around you will this pregnancy.
  • Avoid physical activities that are too strenuous and tiring so as not to cause a miscarriage.
  • Expand the time for rest and sleep so that the body has plenty of energy to do activities without feeling exhausted the next day.
  • Make a note of your pregnancy progress from week to week, so you can monitor your child's health.
  • Do not rely on chemical drugs to treat nausea, but are looking for other alternatives of food such as fruit or fruit flavors to overcome.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day so that the body does not become dehydrated.
  • Do light exercise such as leisurely walking around the house so that the body remains fit.
Pregnant Mother and Fetuses healthy

This i have serve pregnant for women and fetuses tips to stay healthy may be useful for women who are pregnant.


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