Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Researchers Successfully Discover Breast Cancer Drug

The discovery is based on stem cell research in the breast for 10 years.- More recently, a group of researchers claim that they have discovered the remarkable results of breast cancer research. A cure has been found to delay and even prevent tumor develops in the female body are at very high risk of breast cancer forming.

However, many women who have a BRCA1 genetic mutation, including actress Angelina Jolie, who decided to lift the breasts due to breast cancer risk is very high. However, now there is hope that found a drug that can be used in the treatment of the deadly disease.

As reported by the page Independent research conducted using a sample of cancer tissue from women who have the BRCA1 gene. Researchers in Australia found that cells in the body of a woman is healthy, has a great chance to form cancer. They then used a drug made to treat bone cancer and osteoporosis, to try to stop the growth of these cells.

From the results of a study published in the journal Nature Medicine, encourage them to reveal the potential of the drug. Clinical trials of the drug to patients in their breast tissue is now being conducted.

One of the researchers, Professor Jane Visvader of your Walter Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, said the finding was based on stem cell research in the breast for 10 years.

"By carefully dissecting how normal breast tissue develops, we were able to show which cells will form a cancer. We are very pleased that the chances we've found the 'holy grail' of this cancer research. Designing ways how to prevent breast cancer in women who have a high risk, "said Professor Jane.

Associate Professor Jane, Professor Geoff Lindeman, a medical oncologist at The Royal Melbourne Hospital stressed, they still need to develop more if the drug can provide the same results in women who already have cancer.

However, according to Professor Peter Barrett-Lee, a consultant clinical oncologist at Velindre NHS Trust, Wales said that the study is only a laboratory project.

"This is a remarkable preclinical work. Using drugs used for osteoporosis and bone metastases patients for breast cancer is very interesting. However, it needs further observation to test it on patients and this trial will probably need a few more years, if it works, "


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