Sunday, June 19, 2016


I recently read an article that stated that kale was no longer a ‘trend’ food. Whilst I’m always up for trying new foods, I will always love kale, no matter what no matter what its current superfood status. I don’t think I have ever shared a recipe for massaged kale salad, which is a shocker, seeing as I eat this all the time. It’s a great ‘make ahead’ salad for work and can be mixed with lots of grains and vegetables. Today I’m sharing a basic version of a recipe that can be adapted in an endless number of ways.One of the ways in which you could adapt this is by changing the dressing slightly. No matter what, you will always need an acidic ingredient (lemon) as this breaks down and softens the kale leaves without the need for cooking. But in addition to the ingredients that I list below, you could for instance add tahini (sesame paste) to mix up the flavor.

I usually play around with the grains and ‘add ins’. For today’s recipe I used a mixture of quinoa and red lentils, but you could easily use wheat berries or couscous if you prefer. And if you have leftover roasted vegetables (sweet potato, butternut squash), then just throw those in too.
I don’t want to give away too many ideas here, cause it could be a whole new recipe itself. But I’m trying to show you that what seems very simple, is actually a really versatile and good everyday staple recipe. And I know that unlike me, a lot of people don’t like the flavor of kale but I hope you give this recipe a chance to change your mind. It really is worth trying!
  • 3-4 handful kale leaves (stalks removed)
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 2 tsp. honey
  • salt & pepper
  • 4 tbsp cooked quinoa
  • 3-4 tbsp cooked red lentils
  • 1/2 avocado, thinly sliced
  • 40g edamame beans
  • 30g pomegranate arils
  • a sprinkle of sesame seeds
In a large bowl, mix together the kale leaves, olive oil and lemon juice. Using (clean) hands, massage for 2-3 minutes, until you can feel the leaves softening. At this point you might also find any stalks that you missed earlier. Once softened, add the honey and season with salt and pepper. Give it another toss.
Add the quinoa to a large plate, top with the kale leaves. Then add the cooked red lentils, sliced avocado and edamame beans and garnish with pomegranates and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.


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