Sunday, June 19, 2016

6 Pain Traditional Medicine

Complaints of pain in the waist often experienced by some people. Back pain is often attacked by some people because of several factors such as disorders of the muscles, ligaments, spine, abdomen, pelvic cavity diseases, infections of the spine, and can also be due to congenital abnormalities in the spine.
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Lumbago traditional medicine

There are some natural ingredients that are powerful enough to overcome the pain and lumbago. Here are some types of traditional medicinal herb lumbago.

Red ginger

Traditional medicinal herb lumbago first is ginger. Plants are known to warm the body is pretty good in restoring comfort because of back pain. Quite simply by drinking boiled ginger regularly, but in order to get maximum results you can add black meeting or fresh leaves of the gods.

leaves of the gods

God leaves or Samsonite a leaf length and width of 20 × 10 cm with short, fleshy oval shape, fluffy with the tip pointed leaves and green color purple. Maybe we will be a little harder to find these leaves. God leaves have properties to cure back pain is no less potent with a concoction of ginger. Drinking boiled leaves of the gods mixed with some kind of buffoonery regularly.


Lumbago traditional medicine this one is fairly easy to obtain. Garlic is beneficial herbs are good enough to overcome back pain. Soak a few cloves of garlic and then compress them using a cloth on the waist pain. For best results add liquid maximal alcohol and cayenne pepper.

Cayenne pepper

Warmth cayenne no less effective as the patch to overcome back pain. Soak chilies and ginger with water and apply to the waist pain. You can also use a cloth to apply it.

the roots of the weeds

Weeds in fields and plantations can be useful in curing lumbago. Take the roots, wash and boil, then apply as in the previous materials.

Cat whiskers

Lumbago traditional medicine of the last is the cat's whiskers plant. Cat's whiskers could be an option that is powerful enough to overcome back pain with traditional medicine.

Again do not delay in addressing back pain. Soon overcome back pain with one of lumbago traditional medicinal herb that has been listed above.


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