Sunday, June 19, 2016

5 Ways To Treat Pain cavities Most Convenient

How to treat a sore tooth decay may have been much do you know, because of toothache is dental pain suffered by many people and almost everyone had never felt her name toothache. The pain is caused by cavities, extraordinary pain.

Cavities are caused by several factors, one of which is lack of cleaning the teeth or errors in the way of brushing teeth. In addition to the lack of hygiene, dental cavities are also a result of frequent eating food or drinking beverages that are too sweet.

In previous articles have discussed about overcoming swollen gums with a prescription drug pharmacy, this time treating the pain of cavities with natural ingredients that are easy you get. Here is how to treat the pain of cavities of the most potent and safe.

1. Garlic

Garlic contains compounds antiseptip agreed by the scientists were able to treat toothache, therefore you can treat the pain of cavities with herbs are easy to get this. The trick: take a clove of garlic, then put on the cavities. Let stand for 5 minutes, then remove the garlic and do gargle with warm water.

2. Tea warm

Besides garlic turns tea can help heal the pain of cavities. Warm tea is capable pain while at a toothache. In addition, warm tea can also work as a reliever bacteria in the tooth. How to treat a sore cavities with tea, prepare a tea bag that has been dipped in warm tea. Do not add sugar in hot tea. Stick it on the gums and allow some time until the pain subsides.

3. Cayenne

Maybe you just found out that chili can heal the pain of cavities. Yes, cayenne pepper captain contains compounds that can relieve pain, including toothache. For it does not hurt if you try. Quite easy, cayenne pepper dissolve into hot water then prepare cotton and dip. Express a little and then paste it in between the cavities.

4. Salt

Salt is an ingredient kitchen capable of treating pain further cavities. The content of iodine in salt can relieve pain in the teeth. The trick, dissolve the salt in a glass of warm water and stir. Use it as a mouthwash until you feel comfortable enough, and tooth pain is reduced. Not recommended chewing salt directly, because it is not able to spread to tooth.

5. Cloves

Cloves have a good anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and nature as an anesthetic that can heal wounds and kill bacteria in cavities. The trick mix a few drops of oil of cloves in a glass of water and use as a mouthwash. Aside from being a mouthwash, how to treat a sore cavities with clove oil can be done by shedding it on cotton and paste in the cavities.


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