Monday, June 20, 2016

Daily Habits that Make You Smart

Who does not want to look smart and clever in front of people? Consider the following simple habits that will help you project intelligence, no matter who you talk to.

Listening to the news trending

This is not what is done to simply ask "there is a terrorist attack?". No one is suggesting that you read every page of every paper records in each day. Instead, you can scan the latest news on the front page of the Wall Street Journal that people regard you as an intelligent man. Or subscribe to one of breaking news news portal. You can also subscribe to other major news from various media is best for you

Pay attention to your grammar

No one is going to cut 30 points off your IQ faster than bad grammar. This is the way certain people separate the wheat from the chaff. The User vocabulary is good and right can make you look smarter

Able to organize

Organize your files on all the paper mess. Someone who does not regularly is often regarded as being lazy. There are things you can change, namely to prepare everything before the event begins as do a little homework before a job interview, a dinner party, or an important meeting. People are flattered when they find you know things about them. And when the people you are talking flattered, they will be good to you, and you'll look smart.

Asking intelligent questions

You're at a dinner party with your spouse and his colleagues. The person you are talking to is a nutritionist while you are a kindergarten teacher. Do not pretend to know the latest news. Try to listen and ask questions. It's okay not to know. From listening to you can ask intelligent questions.


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