Monday, June 20, 2016

7 Easy Ways to Speed ​​up Metabolism

7 Easy Ways to Speed ​​up Metabolism-The body may not be able to burn calories quickly because of habits or poor diet. Fortunately, there is another way to control the metabolism rate, ranging from bed enough to regulate food.

When the machine is in the body run at full speed, not much more we can do to burn fat because we do have the maximum. Here are seven ways to speed up your metabolism.

1. Getting enough sleep
Factors sleep greatly affects waistlines. Research shows that lack of sleep can lead to excessive hunger and appetite became insanely.

Four-year study conducted by the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University in the United States showed that adults who slept for five hours then the level of ghrelin, which triggers hunger rose 14.9 percent and leptin can suppress appetite fell 15.5 percent ,

2. Get up early
Why get up early? In order to have enough time for breakfast. Usually people who get up later in the day only got showered and dressed, then immediately went on the move. Though breakfast with the right menu very helpful pushed hunger until the next hours.

3. Always active
For some people it may be difficult to make the body is always active through exercise such as running, swimming, aerobics and walking. Though cardiovascular exercise as it can increase the metabolism, help burn more calories and suppress appetite after exercise.

4. Often eat
Do not think it's three meals a day is ideal. Eat 5-6 times a day with a portion of the sodium absorption ratio is too large it is better for metabolism and brain power. What is important, keep a healthy diet and include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt in the menu.

5. Expand the white water
Dehydration can cause the response was "hungry" to the brain. So, try to augment drinking water to keep the body hydrated.

6. Spicy foods
Many people do not like spicy food. Though spicy foods can raise the temperature of the body related to metabolism. When the temperature rises, the metabolism will go up and become a stimulant in the body's use of fat as energy.

7. Increase calcium
Research shows that calcium could improve the metabolic system that will help you lose weight.


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