Monday, June 20, 2016

Fact: Rather Eat Chocolate Can Make Slim

Researchers from the University of Syracuse, USA, investigated the effects of chocolate consumption on 968 people aged between 23 to 98 years without changing their daily diet in general.

As a result, they get the fact that regularly eating chocolate can improve cognitive abilities as evidenced participants in a test involving memory and ability to abstract.

"The habit of eating chocolate associated with cognitive performance, as measured by neuropsychological tests. Consumption of chocolate more routine turns affect the test results are better, "said the researchers.

From the results of research carried out in 2012, was, eating a piece of chocolate cake at breakfast can actually help a person lose weight. Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel investigated 163 participants, with a 1,600 calorie diet men and 1,400 women. Half of the participants were given a breakfast of 300 calories and low in carbohydrates, while the other half 600 calorie breakfast included a piece of chocolate cake.

In the first 16 weeks, participants from both groups lost an average of 15 kilograms per person. But next, the participants were 600 calorie breakfast included chocolate lose weight by an average of 18 kilograms more than those who did not eat chocolate.

The researchers also found that when we want to eat tasty as chocolate, it is better done in the morning because of the metabolic system is in the highest stage and will burn the calories consumed throughout the day. The researchers also believe that eating extra food in the morning would prevent the desire to snack in the afternoon or evening.


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