Friday, August 4, 2017

Here's 6 Benefits of Karaoke for Health and Career

Here's 6 Benefits of Karaoke for Health and Career
It is not easy to cope with stress, especially for people who have tight deadlines. Well rather than confused, better karaoke only. This exciting activity must be easy and suitable to be done with friends. According, there are several health benefits that you can get from karaoke. There are even benefits for your performance at the office. Let's find out yuk!
Here's 6 Benefits of Karaoke for Health and Career

1. Producing hormones happy
Endorphin hormones or often called happy hormones will be released when we sing and will make us feel good. Although it has a mediocre voice, but when it is happy then the stress can also be lost is not it?
It was also confirmed by Professor Takeshi Tanigawa from Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine. According to him, when karaoke with friends, someone usually gets applause after singing. It is also a form of appreciation that makes a person happy.

2. Improve the body's immune system
Make no mistake, the body's immune system can also increase when the stress hormone or cortisol decreases. The study was conducted by academics from the University of California, as quoted by The Conversation.
From that study, it was found that the concentration of secretory immunoglobin A or protein in the body's immune system for antibodies, increased significantly during singing. The more routine karaoke, meaning the body's immune is getting better and healthier.

3. Healthy heart and lungs
According to Professor Graham Welch of the University of London, singing activity can nourish the heart and lungs. Welch has been researching this activity for 30 years and says singing is the same as doing aerobic activity that will increase the supply of oxygen to the bloodstream.
With a good supply of oxygen, you will avoid restlessness, high blood pressure, memory loss, respiratory problems, and heart attacks. With a healthy heart and lungs, you can enjoy a longer life is not it?

4. Increased confidence
With karaoke with friends or colleagues, you will be "forced" to show off the ability to sing. Of course this can be regarded as a challenge.
This is where you can learn to hone your confidence to the maximum. The higher the self-esteem you have, the stronger your person will be when accepting pressure in the world of work or business.

And with a strong ability to accept pressure, you will not be easily stressed out. Without stress, work becomes more productive. There is no such thing as a permit not to enter because of illness.

5. Stimulate the brain well
Make no mistake, not just work that must think. Nyanyi also think you know, especially when karaoke.
When karaoke, you will be asked to sing by following the text on display to make the song fit with the rhythm. Indirectly, this activity will stimulate your brain. So not only breathing is processed, the brain is also processed when karaoke.

6. Strengthen the vocal cords
Indeed, everyone whose profession is close to "presentation" or talk, is suggested to learn to sing. Singing will train you to strengthen the vocal cords, so your voice sounds louder and convincing so that the condition will also be healthier.


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