Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How To Make It Easy Ways to Soothe Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Make It Easy Ways to Soothe Swollen Feet During Pregnancy-One of the problems encountered during pregnancy is swollen foot. Not only makes sick, but this situation can also be difficult when walking and doing other activities.
But do not worry, because there are alternative ways pregnant women can do to prevent or treat leg swelling during pregnancy as reported Bold sky page.

The first and the most natural treatments that can be done to leg swelling is to drink water. The amount of water that is recommended for pregnant women is 6-8 glasses per day. Drinking water with sufficient quantities during pregnancy can help get rid of all the toxins in the body.
In addition, drinking water also makes you a lot to the bathroom and there will be more water is removed from the body. With so swollen leg as well as other body parts, such as the face, could be reduced.

Another suggestion is that you should avoid standing in the same position for a long time. This can cause the liquid to flow to the lower body and legs become swollen as a result.
Another way to cope with swelling during pregnancy is to reduce salt intake. Salt is one of the leading causes swelling during understood because the salt makes the body retain water.
Many people also choose to not consume salt at all during pregnancy, but this method is not recommended. Our body still needs enough salt to keep it functioning properly. Therefore, the consumption of salt with the exact amount to be done during pregnancy and avoid excessive salt intake.

A balanced diet could also be one way of controlling the swollen feet during pregnancy. This method also needs to be done by women who are not pregnant. In addition, avoid using too tight clothing such as jeans or pants that can add pressure on the foot that can cause it to become swollen.
Another trick to try is not to stay in one position for long. With so fluid will accumulate in the body and cause swelling. Change the position after a while when sitting or lying down.
Do the above tips so that you can decrease swelling due to swelling of the body, especially the legs during pregnancy can make a person overweight, do not look attractive, and cause lack of energy.


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