Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How To Healthy Body Care After Birth

How To Healthy Body Care After Birth

For the mother who has given birth they would experience a change in themselves, be it physical or mental changes changes. Such changes can be characterized by changes such as weight gain, swelling in the hands and feet and can also be mental changes that cause emotional ups and downs. The occurrence of such a change is a natural thing common to every mother after giving birth.

To restore the body as before, you can do the treatment after delivery. Surely you will ask, how do I do care after giving birth? Consider the following information.

Some ways of body care after delivery:

1. Avoid intercourse after childbirth
For body treatments after giving birth a mother would know what it was during childbirth, postpartum period is a period in which it is forbidden to engage in intercourse. This is due to result in infection or bleeding of the female sex organ. Therefore, sex organs need time to rest so that flexibility back to normal.

2. Doing light exercise
Exercise after childbirth is an important thing to do to maintain the shape of the body and prevents your body obese, how you can do light exercise such as walking, Kegel exercises and other types of mild exercise. It is intended that the fat in your body can burn, so do not be lazy after childbirth.

3. Maintain and manage your diet
Keeping a diet is required to be done by everyone, by implementing a healthy diet and regularly can make your body healthy and avoid the dangers of the disease that can attack. Likewise with women after childbirth, maintain and manage your diet is a thing should be kept. Basically a mother would breastfeed her child. then the mother requires food intake of healthy and nutritious for the water ASI result be smooth and quality. The food a mother eats should contain carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. All content of these nutrients can be obtained by eating fruits and vegetables, as well as their mothers are also strongly advised to consume milk specially formulated for nursing mothers.

4. Drink plenty of water
Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day can help restore stamina and health of the skin after childbirth. Because usually after childbirth and sagging skin will look dull.

5. Use a corset or bustier
This method is often used in women after childbirth is beneficial to shrink the stomach after giving birth.

6. Drink herbal medicine regularly
Drinking herbal body care is one that is often done by mothers after childbirth, this method is very useful to help restore and shape as the original. You can buy medicinal herbs in stores nearby or make it yourself at home.

7. Get enough rest
Adequate rest is an important thing that you should consider, because if you are too tired can be hazardous to your health. With regular breaks can also speed recovery time after delivery.


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