Saturday, June 18, 2016

Health Therapies Alternative

You may never compare our parents why age could be longer than those of today. They also must have been sick and remember at that time medical science has not as sophisticated now, why they can live long and relatively healthy?

Alternative Health Therapy Method with Naturopathy

The word "Naturopathy" comes from the word naturo or nature means that natural and starches that path or pathway, which means the track. So, in terms of naturopathy is the natural way. This science is a form of medical science in the implementation of the body's natural repair roads that are reflected as a system of human body homeostasis.

Naturopathy is an alternative concept for the treatment and prevention of disease symptoms based on the ideology of vital ism, the belief in the existence of a special energy, also called the vital energy that controls the biological processes in the human body such as metabolism, reproduction, growth, development and adaptation.

Holistic methods and Naturopathy
There are four ways of views on Naturopathy as an alternative health therapy:

Alternative - This view is called as an alternative method for many patients after undergoing conventional treatments take an alternative path, or other solutions. Naturopathic methods serve as a companion treatment in conjunction with conventional treatment methods. In this case, the assumption that the method of non-scientific naturopathic approach can no longer be justified.
Complementary - Because of the dependence of conventional medicine that can not be separated with pharmaceutical drugs, and therefore often a doctor gives a pharmaceutical drug and natural herbal simultaneously. In this approach, drugs are natural (herbal) is considered as a supplement to help conventional treatments.

Integrative - naturopathic methods can co-exist with conventional medicine. The doctor who has experience doing naturopathic methods found that not all diseases can be cured with a naturopathic approach (eg traumatic injury, for naturopathy does not know surgery) but the treatment can be more effective and faster if integrated with natural herbal remedies and conventional pharmaceutical drugs.
Holistic medicine - alternative health therapy with naturopathic methods can not be separated from holistic medicine. American Holistic Medical Association in 1978 admitted that the method of naturopathy as a comprehensive treatment of the human body functions and systems to empower individuals holistically, whether physical, spiritual, and spiritual. Now, the principle of naturopathic methods have become the method of health care that is natural, non-invasive, no chemical approach, person-centered medicine, and friendly environment.

For clinics that implement alternative health therapies with a holistic approach, Ozone Therapy Clinic consider all aspects in full; ranging from the physical, psychological, spiritual, social and even. Thus, a complete treatment and care can be given correctly.

A holistic approach focuses on the care of "the causes of the disease" so the doctor will try to determine the patient's life situation as a whole in order to determine the real cause of the symptoms of the disease appear. That way, people will be treated as a whole and unique in order to achieve a better quality of life.