Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Seven Diet Rasulullah as an Example of Healthy Life

Having a healthy life is always something everyone wants. With a healthy life, we can do all activities. So do not be surprised if you find a way to live with healthy.

Apparently, we do not need all the way to find a reference to how to live healthy. Rasulullah SAW can be an example to get it. According to health experts diet and lifestyle of the Prophet is ideal with the rhythm of the human biological body.

So no wonder if Rasulullah SAW is said as
an example for all mankind. Not only in terms of worship and religion, but also daily. So, how healthy lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad? Here's more information.

1.Segelas Cold Water Mixed Original Honey for Breakfast

The first thing done by Rasulullah SAW to live healthy is when starting the morning with breakfast. His breakfast menu is a glass of cold water mixed with real honey.

Apparently, in terms of medical world honey serves as a drug that has many benefits. Among them is to activate the intestines, clean the stomach. Not only that, honey is also believed to cure inflammation, constipation and hemorrhoids.

2. The Seven Dates of Duha Time

In addition to breakfast, Rasulullah SAW also consume 7 mature dates when entering Dhuha prayer time ie morning time before noon. Rasulullah SAW said:

"Whoever consumes seven dates, then He will be protected from all kinds of poison".

3. Bread mixed Vinegar and Olive Oil for Lunch

At lunch time, Rasulullah SAW consuming bread mixed with vinegar and olive oil. Apparently, all types of food consumed by the Prophet has many benefits. These benefits can prevent dementia, weak bones to cancer. It can even keep your body temperature warm in winter.

4. Vegetables or Tsarid at Night

Rasulullah next diet is when the evening he likes vegetable food. Not only that, he also often consume tsarid ie mixture of meat and bread mixed with cooking water sauce. Pumpkin water is a favorite fruit of the Prophet, it can prevent diabetes. Apparently Rasulullah also like to consume grapes and also milk.

5. Not Sleeping After Eating

Rasulullah SAW also did not immediately sleep after eating. As for what it does is to move lightly so that food can be digested well by the stomach. Usually the activities undertaken by the Prophet SAW is with prayer.

6. Exercise Light

Rasulullah also maintain his health by way of exercise. Usually he exercises lightly like playing with his children and grandchildren. Not only that, he also had a race run with his wife Aisyah radiyallahu'anha.

7. Sleep Early and Not Staying Away

The last healthy pattern of life is with early tidus and he at least encourages his people to stay up. Therefore, he slept early after prayer and chatted briefly. The goal is that he can wake up for the tahajjud and dawn prayers.

Such is the healthy lifestyle that can be emulated from Rasulullah SAW. Therefore, it would be better if we follow the good things that have been done by the Prophet.


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