Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Growth Of Pregnancy At The End Of The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

Growth Of Pregnancy At The End Of The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

The number of days in a month is also not always the same in the calendar that is on average about 30.4 days and 4.3 weeks. Then the use of solar calendar calculations and lunar calendar will cause differences in the number of months of pregnancy. Meanwhile, in the discussion on this website we use benchmark 1 month even 4 weeks so that pregnancy lasts for more than 9 months.

In reality the pregnancy is even one month when it arrives on the same date as HPHT in the following month. Age of pregnancy is even 1 week if it has arrived on the same day with HPHT in the following week. Example of HPHT on Thursday April 20, 2017 then the 1st month of pregnancy on May 20, 2017 and even 1 week on Thursday April 27, 2017.

Growth Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Age 37 Weeks
By the end of week 37 the fetus is ready to be born. The fetus is still growing but its growth rate is not as fast as before. The layer of fat continues to be formed so that the body more rounded. This week the fetal head is expected to face down. The size of the fetus's body length is about 45.7 - 48 cm and weighs about 2.7 - 3.2 kg.

Pregnancy Age 38 Weeks
In recent weeks the growth of the fetus has centered on the refinement of existing organ systems. But unlike the brain and nervous system that every day will continue to grow even until right childhood until adolescence. This month the fetal brain is preparing to regulate the work of breathing, digestion, how to eat and keep the heart rate fixed regularly. The fetus weighs about 3083 grams and measures about 49.8 cm in length

Pregnancy Age 39 Weeks
This week the vernix caseosa and lanugo layers have disappeared. Remnants of vernix can be seen on the arm, behind the ear and in the pubic area. Remnants of lanugo can still be seen around the shoulders or back which will then gradually disappear as the baby goes big. The fetus is currently getting fatter with a weight of about 2.9 - 3.6 kg. The size of his body about 45.7-52 cm. The fat layer on his body is thick. This fat will help stabilize the baby's body temperature as well as a source of food in the first few days after birth. The placenta in this week will continue to provide infant with antibody reserves to fight the germs of the outside world. These antibodies will help protect the baby's body during the first 6 months. For healthy babies do not forget to provide breast milk and complete vaccinations.

Pregnancy Age 40 Weeks
Estimated day of birth (HPL) arrived this week. But only 5% of babies born according to HPL. A healthy baby could have been born a week earlier or a week later. This week the body of the fetus is getting ready for labor. Just like the mother, during childbirth, the fetal body will go through a major change in hormone exposure. These hormonal changes will prepare the body's metabolism to maintain glucose stability and heart rate. At the time of contraction there is decreased blood flow to the placenta. The fetus will be able to overcome this as too often too long. Normal birth weight of normal baby about 2500 - 4000 gram with body length from head to foot about 48 - 52 cm and head circumference about 33 - 37 cm.

Pregnancy Age 41 - 42 Sunday
Some mothers still have not had labor after 40 weeks. Stay calm and follow the instructions of the health worker. Mothers will be asked for more frequent check controls as well as closer fetal monitoring. The doctor will discuss the possible action options for giving birth to the beloved baby according to the condition of the mother, fetal fitness, placental state, the amount of amniotic fluid, etc. In conditions where healthy mothers, healthy pregnancies, all normal conditions but exceed HPL, it is expected that labor will occur sooner within 2 weeks after the day of birth estimation. Talk about a safe delivery plan with beloved family and competent health worker that you trust.


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