Saturday, August 5, 2017

9 Things that happen in the body when you are diligent to eat oatmeal

Consumption of oatmeal or wheat is plural done those who want to maintain a healthy body. The reason oatmeal is believed to have many properties to support the health of digestion, skin beauty, and lowering cholesterol.
Prevent cardiovascular disease
Oat contains antioxidants that are useful to prevent heart disease. The fiber content will lower bad cholesterol without affecting good cholesterol.

Prevent constipation
Oats are rich in fine fibers containing soluble or insoluble fiber. This helps regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation when you consume them daily.

Controlling blood sugar levels
Oats consumption helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. That is why diabetics are encouraged to consume them every day.

Reduce the risk of cancer
Oats contain lignans that help reduce the possibility of hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Reduce hypertension
Daily consumption of oatmeal will help in the fight against high blood pressure because of the healthy fiber content in it.

Rich in magnesium
Oatmeal is high in magnesium content that helps produce energy, maximizes enzyme function, relaxes blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, and prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Supports weight loss
Oats are so low in calories. Oats also contain cholecystokinin, which is a hormone against hunger that will make you feel full longer.

Boost the immune system
Oatmeal contains beta gluten which helps neutrophils to boost the immune system and fight bacteria that enter the body.

Beautify the skin
Oats are known as natural ingredients that calm the skin and reduce itching or irritation. Eating oats also helps normalize skin pH.


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