Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Symptoms and Causes Arthritis

Symptoms and Causes Arthritis

Do you often experience joint pain? Learn about the causes of arthritis and symptoms of arthritis in the shoulder, finger, and knee / leg. Surely pain in the joints can make your daily activities severely impaired. When pain strikes, you should immediately find out the causes of joint pain in order to do the treatment, so you can do the activity again well.

Pain in the joints usually frequent on some parts like shoulders, fingers and knees. Pain in the joints is a manifestation caused due to inflammation of the joints (arthritis) such as:
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Injury
  • Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • malignancy
  • Factors that cause arthritis

To make it easier to recognize, the following are some factors that cause arthritis are often encountered. Consider the following information.
Arthritis in the shoulder

The occurrence of inflammation (inflammation) in the muscles or joints
Tendinitis: inflammation on the rota tor cuff tendons caused due to excessive repetitive movements that involve the movement of the arm above the head.
Bursitis: an inflammation of the bursa (bearing joints). Usually caused by the occurrence of excessive repetitive movements that involve the movement of the arm above the head.
Frozen Shoulder or Adhesive Capitalistic: in general, the shoulder can not move. The capsule of the shoulder will harden, leading to loss of fluid in the joints, this usually occurs after surgery or injury.
Trauma or injury to muscles

This usually occurs because of the shoulder joint sprain (sprain) that can occur when the muscles in the shoulder ligaments are torn or the displacement from its original location. This can be caused by a fall or hit by a hard object, which can cause symptoms of severe pain and altered form of the shoulder.
Shoulder dislocation: this can happen when the shoulder ligaments and torn muscles or experience excessive stretching. Often symptoms like this can happen while conducting, twisted or fall. Symptoms that can be caused among which pain, arm felt weak, shoulder feels loose and there is a change in the shape of the shoulder.
Arthritis of the fingers

The pain that attacks on the finger joints is usually caused by inflammation, injury or also by penitent systemic manifestations.
Inflammation such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis usually serine symptoms such as swelling, redness and warm feeling in the finger joints. While in the case of injury can usually be accompanied by bruising, dislocation and fracture.

Whereas in patients with diabetes, patients can suffer damage to the peripheral nerves that can cause symptoms of pain, tingling and numbness in the fingers, known as peripheral homeopathy. In addition, pain in the finger can also be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) and cause symptoms such as tingling, numbness and also can cause cramps and heartburn great if the condition is chronic.

Arthritis in the knee
Joints in the knee area very vulnerable affected by arthritis, is due to a knee plays an important role in sustaining a person's body weight. Pain in the knee joints by bias caused by the inflammation of the joints (arthritis), or be caused by inflammation of the bursa (bursitis). Types of arthritis that can occur in some form such as osteoarthritis, gout arthritis, septic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. While bursitis is usually caused by repetitive bending of the knee. If the pain felt in several places, most likely the presence of arthritis and may even be accompanied by swelling or lumps around the joints.

So a quick review that I can say about the symptoms of arthritis and causes of arthritis in his shoulders, fingers, and on the knees.


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