Monday, May 30, 2016

How to cope with the symptoms of menopause in life


How to cope with menopause disease, is the hormone replacement therapy (TPH) aims to replace hormones that begin to disappear so that the effects of menopause can be overcome.
Consult your obstetrician to help you consider the risks TPH and find the most appropriate treatment for you. Although the side effects would appear to have been known, now you are biased treatment tailored to your circumstances to eliminate or minimize side effects. Remember that every woman is different.
Exercise is important, not only for your general health, but also improve the density / density of your bones and relieving the symptoms of menopause.

How to cope with the symptoms of menopause

Traditional diet appears to provide an important advantage is the Diet following with detail:
1. containing less than 20% calories from fat
2. Restrict the input of meat
3. Rich variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts
4. Incorporate menu of tofu or soybean processing at least once a day.
(Processed soy products contain hydrogenates, which is a type plant hormones are believed to be beneficial for menopause. However The preparations have not been proven to treat osteoporosis and profits cardiovascular effects of menopause.

Avoid factor-factor that trigger the symptoms of menopause you and red the on
face can trigger by which hot or spicy food. Alcohol, caffeine and sugar also can trigger facial flushing.Vaginal creams and gels can be used to reduce dryness and itchiness in the vagina. Preparation mentioned can also be used during intercourse, to reduce pain.

With the increasing life expectancy in the city, the problem of osteoporosis or bone
porous needs serious attention. The older the person, the more susceptible to osteoporosis.

The elderly are the most vulnerable targets for osteoporosis. When a woman reaches the age of 80 years, he experienced a 40% risk of experiencing one or more vertebral fractures. The world's data also mentioned the from three women at risk for osteoporosis.

The main key to overcome bone fragility include:

  • Need you Note lifestyle
  • Need you Pay attention to diet

Life expectancy (Life Expectancy Rate) is an old man living in the world, and the cause of the length of human life, depends on several factors:

  • Dietary habit
  • Congenital disease
  • Neighborhood
  • Stress or pressure.

The Factors that affect health and age-related expectations life:

1. Nutrition
2. Smoking
3. Menopause
4. Osteoporosis


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